Dan Brady

Dan Brady announces candidacy for Bloomington Mayor


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April 29, 2024



Dan Brady

(309) 261-3015

[email protected]


Dan Brady announces candidacy for Bloomington Mayor


Dan Brady, former State Representative and McLean County elected official, today announced his candidacy for Mayor of Bloomington.


“I was born and raised in Bloomington and have spent much of my adult life representing the people of my home town,” Brady said. “I have worked with five Bloomington mayors, numerous city council members and city managers. Whether it was helping to secure funding for road projects, public safety or infrastructure, I have always been there for Bloomington and have worked to provide a better quality of life for its residents.”


Brady was elected to the Illinois House in 2001 and has represented all or parts of Bloomington as a State Representative. He has owned his own business and knows what it's like to make payroll and pay taxes and fees. He is presently an Associate Director in the Funeral Home firm of Kibler-Brady-Ruestman Memorial Home in Bloomington.


Brady has been recognized for his local leadership by a variety of organizations and is a repeated recipient of awards including the ACTIVATOR "Friend of Agriculture Award, the National Federation of Independent Business "Guardian of Small Business" Award, the Illinois Chamber of Commerce "Champion of Free Enterprise" Award, and the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police “Legislator of the Year.” Dan and his wife Teri have two children.


“My campaign for mayor will include plans to enhance public service and public safety, create affordable housing, lower taxes, and support businesses and economic development with a new leadership style,” Brady said. “The election for Mayor of Bloomington is not about a political party, it's about people over politics. That’s how I have earned my reputation as a common sense trusted public servant.”


Brady's candidacy announcement video can be found at www.votedanbrady.com. The Bloomington municipal elections are the consolidated primary (only if required) on February 25, 2025, and the consolidated election is on April 1, 2025.


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